On the Road with Alice

I rarely take library books when I travel – much better to download stories onto my iPhone or Kindle, and throw in a few old New Yorkers and a paperback that can be left en route.  But just as I was about to suspend my library waiting list, Alice Hoffman showed up in her new book – The Museum of Extraordinary Things.   So Alice and I are travel companions.9781451693560_p0_v2_s260x420-1

Katherine Weber’s review in the New York Times promises Hoffman’s magic in “a lavish tale about strange yet sympathetic people, haunted by the past and living in bizarre circumstances.”  Brigitte Frase for the Star Tribune says the book “is a cunning weave of realism and fairy tale…containing suffering, betrayal and death, as well as pure love, fate and a happy ending.”  Wow – I can’t wait to settle into my seat and start reading.

Have you read any of Hoffman’s other books?  Check out my reviews for these:

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